Macromill Group

Site Policy

Agreement and Scope of Terms of Use

The purpose of this website is to foster a broader understanding among our customers of the activities of each company of the Macromill, Inc. Before using Macromill, Inc. Website, carefully read and agree to the Terms of Use specified below.

Agreement and Scope of Terms of Use

  • Macromill, Inc. may amend the Terms without obtaining Customers' agreement.In this case, the terms of use of the Service shall conform to the latest version of the Terms after change; accordingly, please check the details of the latest terms.
  • The amended Terms shall come into effect the moment they are displayed on Macromill, Inc. Website, unless otherwise specified by Macromill, Inc.

Information Security Policy

Macromill, Inc. (hereinafter, "Macromill") fully recognizes the importance of information security and believes that it is an important management issue of the business strategy to provide high quality services that can be trusted by customers and business partners by taking high-level precautions against the risk of information leakage.

Macromill shall establish the basic policy concerning information security in order to further strengthen information security and strives to maintain and construct an appropriate information management system by having the directors, employees, and other related parties comply with the policy and maintain high awareness of information security.

Information Security Basic Policy

Macromill shall comply with laws and regulations concerning information security, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and regulations, such as guidelines set down by the government authorities and the industry association that Macromill belongs to and strives to practice appropriate information management.

Macromill shall establish internal rules based on the Information Security Basic Policy and clear and specific policies that all the directors and employees shall comply with.

Macromill shall appoint Information Security Officers who shall at all times be aware of the state of information security of Macromill and the revision status of related laws, regulations, and rules and who shall appropriately take the necessary precautions.

Macromill shall implement appropriate and reasonable information security measures for products and services that Macromill offers.

Macromill shall analyze and evaluate the risks related to information security and then implement appropriate and reasonable information security measures for the recognized risks.

Macromill shall provide in a systematic manner education and training on information security for directors and employees.

In the event of a problem concerning information security, Macromill shall quickly respond in order to achieve a resolution and strive to minimize the damage.

Macromill shall establish and appropriately operate an internal control system for information, and audit and verify its effectiveness.

June 30, 2016 (Established)

Regarding encryption of information

Macromill uses a solid special encrypted communication technology called "SSL (Secure Socket Layer)" certified by Cybertrust in order to surely protect privacy of customers online.

Personal information in customers’ preparing membership registration, survey responses, and survey forms is encrypted by SSL, and the information is exchanged under a perfect security system.

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyrights and Trademarks)

All copyrighted works, images, marks and other information are properties in or to which Macromill, Inc. or their respective providers have a copyright or other intellectual property right or other right of use or any other right. Downloading, printing or otherwise reproducing the Macromill, Inc. Website is permitted only for private use by an individual or at home. Do not use (copy, upload, feature, quote, etc.) any of the information and programs within the Macromill, Inc. Website on other websites or in other printed matters. Also, do not use without permission any of the contents featured on the Macromill, Inc. Website beyond the extent permitted by the Copyright Act.

All rights to or in the trademarks and service marks displayed on the Macromill, Inc. Website belong to Macromill, Inc. or other rights holders who authorized Macromill, Inc. to use these marks. Do not use these marks without permission of their respective rights holders.

About Links

Links to this website, whether commercial, non-commercial or for intranet use, are permitted without contacting Macromill, Inc. in advance.
However, please refrain from setting links from websites that apply or may apply to the following.
You may also be asked to change the way that the link has been set up or delete the link even if the conditions below do not apply.

  • Websites that include content that slanders or damages the Company, the Group companies or any outside parties including individuals, companies and other forms of organizations.
  • Websites that contain adult content
  • Websites that include content contrary to public order, morals, and social ethics
  • Websites that include content that is or may be illegal
  • Websites related to activities that are or may be illegal
  • Websites with frame links, which obscure the fact that information is from this website, and may cause misinterpretation to the users.

Macromill, Inc. bears no responsibility for any damages incurred from use of information acquired from third party websites linked to from this website or from third party websites that link to this website. Please also note that the URL for this website may be changed without prior notice.

User’s Obligations and Responsibilities

When using the Service, Customers must not perform any of the following acts:

  • An act of actually or potentially infringing upon any right of Macromill, Inc. or its affiliate, etc.
  • An act of actually or potentially infringing upon any property of Macromill, Inc. or its affiliate, etc.
  • An act of content contrary to public order, morals, and social ethics.
  • An act of submitting any third-party’s information without the person’s approval.
  • An act of using or providing any computer virus or other harmful program through or in connection with the Service.
  • An act of actually or potentially violating the law.
  • A criminal act, an act that leads to a criminal act, or could potentially lead to a criminal act
  • Other acts deemed inappropriate by Macromill, Inc.


  • Although Macromill, Inc. makes every effort to deliver reliable information to users through this website, the website content may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Macromill, Inc. undertakes no guarantee of the accuracy, completeness, legality, safety, or timeliness of the information on the website.
  • The website may contain links to third party websites. Macromill, Inc. neither guarantees the content of such websites nor endorses their use.
  • All users use this site at their own responsibility.
  • Macromill, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any accident, trouble, problem, or other damage resulting from the use of, or inability to use, this website.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The use of this website, the interpretation and application of any agreement pertaining to the Website Terms of Use are construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless stipulated otherwise.

Unless stipulated otherwise, the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo, Japan will serve as the exclusive jurisdiction court.